A FI-PPP call 3 matchmaking event will be held in Poznan (Poland) on September 18th, 2013, in the context of a 2-day event called “Innovative Partners and Future Internet Development in the Enlarged EU”. Registrations are open here!
This event is organised by the Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education, and the Poznan Supercomputing and Networking Center and supported by the European Commission, the Future Internet Public-Private Partnership (FI-PPP) and Ideal-IST Project.
Objectives of the matchmaking event on Sep 18th:
- inform about funding opportunities under FI-PPP
- inform about FI-PPP results, including use-cases
- enable international networking and match-making in order to build successful proposal consortia for FI-PPP Call 3
- support intermediaries and umbrella organisations in finding European partners, with a special focus on match-making with organisations from countries which have not yet particapted heavily.
Target audience of the matchmaking event on Sep 18th:
- national, regional, and local Future Internet initiatives and partnerships
- intermediaries and umbrella organisations (e.g. technical associations, national technology platforms, innovation clusters, regional actors, accelerators)
- other stakeholders interested in FI-PPP.
If you are planning to submit a FI-PPP call 3 proposal and you are looking for partners, or if you would like to offer your organisation as a potential partner you have opportunities you can submit either your project idea or your parnter description.
For registration, more information and guidelines to submit a projet idea or partner description go here